tirsdag 23. august 2011

Teddy Bo tuesday

Happy tuesday my sweet friends!
Tuesday meens new graphics at Teddy Bo and this tuesday a new challenge starts and it is team B that is in charge, so head over to the challengeblog to see the new topic :)
I have made a teepee card, ordered by my son, Sebastian for one of his girlfriends. I did made another card for him, but when it was done he said...Naahh, not exactly what I had in mind...I wanted a pink teepee card with a bear :)... So since his mother loves Teddy Bo and Bea that was a easy one! lol
This is my card
Front with a PRE-coloured Teddy Bea! I have never used a precoloured image before, but I thought I give it a try! It's really easy if you need a quick card, but I still love my Copics!

One of the sides with just a LOTV stamp and some beautiful buttons from My minds eye.

My son is not so much for writing, so he just needed a small writing space ;)
Pearl swirl also from My minds eye.
I made holes with my new Crop-a-dile and used a beautiful pink ribbon to close the tent

Flowers from WOC and Kort og Godt.
Papers and all the beautiful stash used are from My minds eye and was my birthdaygift from  my sweet friend Laurie, who celebrate the big 50 today!!
Congratulation my kind and talented friend :)

Theese are the weeks new AWSOME graphics!
Have you seen the new clear stamps and the paper stack??
Soooo beautiful all of it! You find it in the shop here

As usual, the day should have had more hours to play with all this, so if any of you have a recipe for that please send it over!

Wishing you a day full of happiness

Enter here:
Stamp and create - critters
Ready-Teddy-Go challenge - buttons and bows
A spoon full of sugar - Happy birthday
Crop stop - pearls, pearls and more pearls
paper playtime - anything goes
Papertake weekly - Bingo (blooms, pearls and free,- ribbon)
Papirdukkene - bildeinspirasjon
Scrappekammeret - kammerpikenes format, ikke 6x6
Totally Gorjuss - cute and cuddly

32 kommentarer:

Vicki sa...

Wow! Love your teepee card! I have never made one of those. Must try it! Thanks for joining our CropStop Challenge Blog!

DesignerDiva sa...

Oh Jill how super is this!! I'm going to have to send you gifts more often if you create such beautiful things with them! All your little details are perfect and I love this tepee card I have to try it soon. Sebastian must be thrilled to give his girlfriend such a treasure.

I have a pile of birthday cards to open in the morning when I eventually get to bed to get up!!

Hugs to you my sweet blog friend
Laurie x

Sue sa...

I love a guy who know what he wants, and a Mom that is willing to make the card he needs!!
What a cute image, love them all. Your card shape is really cute too. Thanks for joining us at the Fuzzy Wuzzy Challenge this month.


Nicola sa...

WOW, love this design! I think its amazing. Thanks for joining Ready Teddy Go for our very first challenge, Good Luck.
Nicola + Carole x

Kathleen B. Hernandez sa...

Pretty and gorgeous teepee card! It's the 1st time I've seen it. Hope to get to learn to make one too.

Thanks for joining us at CropStop!

Blog: “Let’s Get Scrappy!”

Ane sa...

så herlig kort! Tror jeg må prøve med på et slik telkkort! De er jo så tøffe!
Lekkert pyntet og herlig motiv:)
Ha en fin dag! Klem Ane :)

Tammy sa...

WOW - I still havent attempted to make this style card - on my list now as yours is amazing Hun. Loving it!! Hugs xx

Fleur sa...

WOW Jill this is absolutly gorgeous.
HUGZ Fleur xXx

Maritha sa...

ÅHHHH gummsalummsan......otroligt snyggt teepee kort din son fick att ge bort!! Kan tro att han inte behövde tjata så länge på mamma för att få ett kort med teddysarna på....hi hi.....kul när dom vet vad dom vill ha med!! =)Urfina papper och snygga blingdekos vännen!Ett toppenJillsankort helt enkelt! ;)

Ha en skön tisdag min lilla skrutta

Mandy's Magnolia cards sa...

What a very beautiful creation!
i am a new follower
greetings, Mandy

Kari sa...

Nyyydelig er denne,Jill!!
Så herlig motiv,lekkert!!
Ha en fin uke!

Klem,Kari :)

PinksyDoodles sa...

This is stunning Jill! Thank you for joining our very first challenge and Ready-Teddy-Go.
Clare x

Rosietoes sa...

Gorgeous card Jill. Love this shape of card.

Edna x

What a lovely son you have :)

Louise sa...

Hei Jill!
ÅH, ÅH, ÅH, vad läckert Jill!
En underbar vikning och målningen av den här söta teddyn är enastående - du gör under med dina markers! Ett piece of art :)


Angella sa...

Alltid lekkert fra deg Jill.... Stilig trekantkort!

Takk for at du deltar hos Scrappekammeret:)

Janis Lewis sa...

Very neat! I love this! Thanks for playing with us at Paper Playtime. :) Janis

Veronica sa...

That is super cool. I love the look.
Thank you for joining us at CropStop Blog Challenge

Gemma sa...

Fab card shape I love it. Great image and the flowers look lovely too. Thank you for joining us at Ready Teddy Go Challenge. Gemma x

Blissful Paper Creations sa...

Jill, this is just spectacular, I've never seen this shape of card before and so I must learn how to make one.

Thank you for sharing it with us at Ready-Teddy-Go challenge and good luck in the prize draw.

Warm wishes, Julie Ann x

Christina sa...

Wowww this is absolutely gorgeous Jill!!
Hugs Kristel

Vicky sa...

Just so gorgeous hun...!

thanks for joining us at Ready-Teddy-Go...and good luck..!

hugs Vicky xx

Gro sa...

Kjempeherlig kort. Og så søtt motiv, som er herlig fargelagt. Smart den lukkingen din.
Takk for at du deltar hos Papirdokkene.

Klem :o)

Sonia sa...

Unusual fold card but love it. Thanks for joining in with our first every challenge on Ready-Teddy-Go
Hugs Sonia xx

Gayle Cook sa...

Sebastian has fantastic taste!!!! :o)

BEA-YOU-tiful card honey.....LOVE it..xxx

Dalis sa...

I love pyramid cards, and I love pink... so this is like the epiphany of perfection for me!
Thanks for playing with us this week at CropStop's Challenge, I hope to see you play again soon!

-- dalis

Emma (metalicbutterfly) sa...

Hi Jill

Wow this is stunning such a beautiful card hun, Hope you had a fantastic birthday!

Em x

Linda/Pieces sa...

Vilket underbart fint kort - de där björnisarna är ju bara för goda (har sett dem då och då på Marithas blogg:) Vilken rolig vikning på kortet, vågar man fråga om du har en länk till tutorial på den?

Kram Linda

Michelle Pearson sa...

this is so neat! Love it! Thanks for playing the CropStop challenge! :)

Yvonne sa...

Herlig kort Jill! Og så masse stilig pynting da. Har aldri prøvd meg på denne varianten jeg, men jammen var den flott.
Tuusen takk for at du deltar hos Scrappekammeret!

Daniele sa...

what a great shaped card lovely image so glad you joined us at Ready-teddy-go

Anne sa...

Nyyyydeli Jill, og vakreste trykket da!

Takk for at du scrapper med oss papirdokker

Smil fra Anne:)

Sally sa...

Just gorgeous. Lovely card and fab shape.
Thanks for joining us at Ready Teddy Go for our first challenge.
Hugs Sally xxx