Hi to you and thank you for visiting me today!
This is day three of preview for the pink ribbon release from Tickled Pink Stamp and I have another pink ribbon girl to show you!
My personal favorite, a tough Pink Ribbon Lil Lolita Lilith :)
I have made a door hanger with this chick for my oldest niece, Sofie.
She needed a doorhanger to tell her mother and the rest of the family when to stay away from her room...
A real tough girl with a great emblem on her chest, the Pink Ribbon.
She can turn the arrow to either Stop or Come :)
Be sure to head over to the TPS blog to see the Pinkettes lovely work. And remember this is a NEW special release for a good cause. In the Pink Ribbon release all images will be $1 ONLY and digital only and be available for the whole month of October. Every images sold will be donated to....

Hope you have enjoyed seeing theese previews from me, I sure have loved making them!
Thanks Kellie for the Special guest spot for the release :)
Remember to check out the current challenge at TPS that is Winter, you find it here
To all of my sweet friends out there, take care and thank you for visiting.
And for you that leave me all the sweetest comments, A big thank you, it really make me happy :)
Love'n'hugs to you
5 kommentarer:
Åhh, himalaya, så utrolig stilig dørhenger!! Lekre detaljer og nydelig ark. Lekkert fargelagt motiv og hun der berta der MÅ nok bare hjem til meg :)
Klem fra Nina.
Såå stilig!!!Og for et herlig motiv!
Tenker niesen blir veldig fornøyd med denne!
Ha en fin mandag!
Klemmer, Kari :)
I love your door hanger Jill the arrow which moves is a brilliant idea Sofie will love it! I'm sorry I haven't been visiting much I have been really busy at work and I've just had a look around and I have missed some fantastic work on your blog!! The candle holder is GORGEOUS!!
I hope you had a nice visit to your fathers
Hugs Laurie xx
Åhhhh min Jillsan.....jag är helt slut efter all mejbombning!! =) Går det inte att stänga av,eller måste man få mejl varje gång nån kommenaterar på bloggen......tänkte man kanske kan få mejl bara när nån kommenterat ens eget bidrag....min mejlbox är smock full varje kvart ju!???!! *skrattar*
Dörrtagen är bara JilslanBRA!! Helt underbart målat och såååå snyggt gjort gummsan!
Nu ska jag vila mitt trötta huvud lite....tar på krafterna detta Dt-uppdrag! *ler stort*
Kram kram
mäh....jag kan ju fasen inte ens stava på Svenska längre(än mindre på engelska)....det ska ju stå JillsanBRA!!! =)
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